
Hello, welcome to my blog! My name is Daidra and my goal is to share my journey, inspiration, passions and creations with you in hopes that we can connect and inspire each other!

Today is my grandmother’s Birthday in Heaven. She was a very creative, hard working and generous woman. When I was a child she would ask me to a make gift for her Birthday to foster my creativity and teach me to give. I was so critical of my creations but she loved everything that I made for her.

I would spend a lot of time at her house. We would make jewelry together and have conversations about my future. She said that she pictured me becoming an artist and living in the city walking around for inspiration. We would even look at catalogs together so she could show me the vibe of what she pictured me wearing. I loved our conversations and I always felt like I had her full attention. It was such a gift to have someone who listened and cared so deeply.

Nana passed away when I was a young adult just starting out on my path. I remember when she was diagnosed with cancer she said she wasn’t worried and that she knew that I would be okay. (I wasn’t so sure at the time) It was heartbreaking to see her health decline and know that our time was limited.

I’ve grown a lot since then and I know that she is with me. I can hear her words and guidance and it brings me comfort to know how close she still is. The other day I found a picture of her and when I see a turtle or find a feather and I know she is watching over me.

Today, on her Birthday I am reminded of her belief in me and it makes me want to go for it, make her proud and share my true self. It’s a message to use the voice that I have always wanted to share but kept to myself. Thanks for always believing in me, Nana. It feels fitting to post this on your Birthday.

Love always, Daidra


Learning as I Grow