Just Be in 2023

Love is always there even when it’s not visible. The soil, the seed and the flower all contain Love, the roots are the connection. Challenging experiences are the fertilizer for growth and I attract what I need by being.

I intend to let go, Love and just be in 2023.

In 2018 I began a deep dive into a spiritual awakening that would reveal a lot about what I had been afraid of and hiding from. I began to question a lot, my identity, what it all means, what I really need and why I was feeling so off balance. My hands were breaking out in a rash and inflamed. I could barely bend my fingers and touching anything was painful.

I was extremely grateful to have the presence of two amazing beautiful souls to learn and grow with but I was exhausted by all of the opinions, information, emotions and changes to my body. I ignored my feelings and questioned myself more than I trusted. I became depleted and depressed because I never learned how to understand my needs, listen to my body and trust my inner guidance. I was unable to remain present and smile most of the time because I was worried and seeking knowledge more than listening to my heart. I prayed but forgot how to listen.

One night when I was awake with my daughter, through tears I asked for guidance. I started to realize that my emotional wellbeing was the root of my physical well being. I learned more about my energetic hygiene and healing and started spending more time in nature with my daughters. By paying attention to my body I noticed that I held my breath a lot, and that I have always lived tensing myself in a constant state of anxiety.

I began to receive messages and I had an urge to write them down. The messages were positive and affirming and I didn’t understand why I was receiving them at the time. With reflection and growth I began to see with clarity the meaning of what was unknown to me at the time.

As I started healing, listening and letting go I was intuitively led to eat a plant based diet and began to feel the benefits of taking care of my whole being. The more I focused on my wellness the more I started to become aware of the beauty around me again and trust myself to focus on my intentions. I started seeing signs that were significant to me, when I found a feather I knew that it was a message. I was intrigued and I couldn’t get it out of my head, this is when I wrote Nature Speaks.

I then found the book “Signs” by Laura Lynne Jackson and I was led to schedule an appointment with Kelly (Kelly Melka Wellness) who confirmed my intuitive nudges and connection. Her authenticity and kindness provided me the courage to trust and gain confidence within myself. Reflecting, I can see how I have grown and I am grateful.

It has taken me years to feel comfortable enough to speak my truth for fear of being misunderstood. It is not my goal to try to convince anyone to believe my reality or try to tell anyone how to be, love or see. By sharing my experiences I believe it can potentially help others feel less alone. It is a message of the importance of believing what is true for you even if it’s different.

There is no lonelier feeling than hiding your reality and pretending it’s okay on the surface. I want to be understood and to understand so it is my responsibility to live my truth.

My definitions of love, success and life have changed and will continue to change as I grow because I am alive and always learning. I have peeled away a lot of what wasn’t me and created space and inner strength in the process.

I now know the power and responsibility I have to create. I can either create consciously or unconsciously, that is my choice. I am choosing to accept every part of myself with compassion. 

I know that I am never alone even if I feel misunderstood by those around me. God, and all of the love from my family of light surrounds me. I am learning to trust, surrender my thoughts of how I think my path should appear and listen.

Love and Peace in 2023.


Never judge a book by its cover.


Awareness is Beauty