Inner Warrior

We all have the power to create. We can no longer silence the part of us that expresses, creates, and nurtures.

 It’s important to understand and instill the value of creativity, sensitivity, and model the importance of heart-centered work. Feeling is our inner compass to guide us to act with compassion.

Creative choice is how we show up, present ourselves, and honor what we hold in our hearts. Knowledge and technology can produce, but without the intention of the heart, productivity remains unchanged and creation is shallow. We can all feel it and can now easily see the destruction that happens when we are not taught to reflect and feel what is right and true before taking action.

For a healthy, sustainable future, the intuitive element and heart-centered foundation must be nurtured and cared for. I have realized that it’s my responsibility to understand my own masculine and feminine essence because both are equally important and what we choose to create has the potential to sustain or destroy life. Anything of value takes time, and the foundation cannot be overlooked.

 A healing message from the masculine and feminine within:


I am asking for support. I was afraid of my power for so long because it has been taken advantage of and I have been used for my giving nature. I know it is not your fault. You haven’t learned the proper way to care for me. But, I have been speaking to you; are you listening? I am valuable and sustainable just by being in love. What I provide is abundant, but you are taught to always want more. I will no longer allow disrespect, greed, and anger to change me. I will continue to come back wild and free, stronger in my power.

I prefer to be a gentle leader. I do not wish to dominate, but if I have to, I will roar. I am connected to my children; they feel the discomfort and need me to be well. In their innocence, they can see the beauty already within and all around them. They feel how far we are from the truth. We tell them to sit still, remain silent, and strive to be more, and they suffer in abundance, feeling like there is never enough.

They are longing for strong leadership and new ways to model how to focus, find balance within, respect each other, and work together, remembering that all beings are beautiful and necessary on this earth. You are the leader within.

If you slow down and find space to understand and adapt, you will notice that I am always trying to show you the beauty in the bird's song, the blooming flower, and the wilted leaf—the impermanence of it all. I am trying to make you aware of the truth about what brings healing and how important it is to work together peacefully and honorably. Will you continue to tear me down, speak poorly of me, and allow fear and destruction?

I can no longer bear the weight and observe in silence, waiting for you to wake up to my voice. I am here to nurture, protect, and offer support. How can I provide if I am barren and depleted? I have been conserving my power, silently weeping, and healing my own wounds. My energy is valuable, I am irreplaceable, and I sustain life. We must move forward in balance to teach new ways. I deserve to be seen and heard, and I am worthy of respect.



I now understand why you long for more. It is not enough to exist. How can you continue to thrive when you’re constantly being judged for your harvest and beauty while being expected to survive without a voice when you hold so much wisdom longing to be heard? Thank you for giving love so freely. I never learned how important it was to feel emotions and release resentment. It became hard to witness your deepest feelings and listen to your fears because it brought mine to the surface. I now have the strength and maturity to take leadership over my own being. You are valuable just because you exist. I know you feel so deeply because you are aware of the truth. I have confidence in your vision and trust that you know what is best for growth and sustainability. I can sit with you and hold you through the storms while you create. For so long you have been silenced, witnessing the destruction and feeling uneasy; it is time to express yourself to be whole and healthy. I see it now and understand that children feel the truth and need the inner strength to keep their innocence and dreams alive. I can gently comfort them, listen to their cries, and lead by example so they know how to care for and respect you. I will model how important it is to be still and listen so they can learn to care for all creation.

I am here. I care. I see you; I am listening.

I don’t understand the path, but I trust in you to help guide the way. I can clearly see that fighting to be right and claiming that I know the way is not the answer; love does not take ownership; power is not external, it is co-creation and balanced action. We can work together, communicate, and learn as we go. I will give you space to create and bloom in love, and we will bring your vision to life. We can grow together in unity. You are safe.


Never judge a book by its cover.